Mims Chapel Church 

"Work on me Lord!" Mother Collins leads the women of Mims Chapel like a gentle mother nourishes her child.  She is First Lady's spokesman and encourages the women to be themselves, to be more active in the church, and to keep out jealousy! Church Mothers should be women who are spirit-filled, sound minded, full of wisdom, respected, and appreciated in their homes, churches and communities; one who the Pastor can trust to give guidance to the women's ministry.

Kindergarten Teacher (Sunday School)/ Youth Leader

Sis. Pauline Pickett

Missionary Neal loves to quote that  "God does not want or need a coward soldier."  She is also known for pushing our services with her ministry of encouragement and teaching.  Missionary Neal is a strong woman of God and  loves the Lord through the good and the bad. She is a great leader in the Womens' Dept at the local and district level of Texas Southwest Jurisdiction COGIC.

Deacon Andrew Bluiett: Austin District Sunday School Superintendent

"GLORY! "  Without hesitation ​Sis Chantele is apt to glorify God!  She joyfully leads praise service and is an enthusiastic and very involved member of God's family.

Missionary Chantele Bluiett:

        Mims Chapel Choir President/ Austin District Choir Vice                                President/ Church Youth Leader

Copyright © Mims Chapel COGIC. All rights reserved.

Deacon Johnnie is a loving member of Mims Chapel. His lively personality draws people in wherever he is present. He teaches and leads the brotherhood.

"Lord I am available to you"- Sis. Pauline, an anointed praise service leader,  sings under conviction! Sis Pauline w/Sis Chantele have been working  with the Youth Dept for many years. Sis Pauline loves children and is gifted in working with them.

                                            Head Deacon/ Brotherhood President

                                            Sunday School Teacher of the Men's 

Deacon Johnnie Mims

Mother Pearl Collins 

    (Church Mother)

Deacon Bluiett embraces the Lord with his gift of teaching and helping others.  He is faithful to Sunday School teacher who enourages the students and teachers to trust in God, to lean not on your understanding, and in all your ways acknowledge God and He will direct your path.  Truly a child saved is a soul saved plus a life.  Bro. Bluiett is a great leader at the local and district level of Texas Southwest Jurisdiction COGIC

Missionary Debra Neal

Missionary Circle President